Investing in
our community

At Orkin & Associates, LLC, we realize that the key to a successful community is one in which citizens and business owners alike volunteer their time to ensure that ideals and values of the communities are maintained. We also realize that the key to a successful business, especially one that is family-owned, is involvement in the communities that support us.

By donating time and support to organizations such as those listed here, we remain informed of changes affecting the Atlanta Metro area.

The William B. Orkin Foundation

The William B. Orkin Foundation is the Orkin family’s charitable foundation. The foundation’s mission is to support a variety of causes with a focus on helping children and animals. Community involvement is part of the culture of the Orkin family and is embraced by employees of Orkin & Associates through work with Habitat for Humanity, March of Dimes, Children’s Health Care of Atlanta, Trust for Public Land, and Canine Assistants, as well as other well-renowned local and national organizations.


Contact Us

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Orkin Logo

12650 Crabapple Road
Suite 200
Milton, Georgia 30004